Investment analyst Jobs in Liestal
Junior Data Analyst
MDPIBasel • ZvezdaraJunior Desktop Analyst
ExperisBasel-LandschaftTechnology Workstream Lead – Procurement
Next-LinkBasel, BS, chIAM Business Analyst
CTCBasel and NW Switzerland, CH- Gesponsert
ERP IT Solutions Analyst
Jet Aviation AGBasel, CHsprachversierter Data Analyst
PKS Personal AGBinningen, Baselland, CHTax Accountant Investment Accounting & Controlling (w / m / d) Teilzeit / Vollzeit
Helvetia Insurance GroupBasel, CH- Gesponsert
Principal System Analyst (f / m / d)
unisite agBasel, Kanton Basel-Stadt, CHGlobal Workplace Demand & Data Analyst
ITech Consult AGBasel-Stadt- Gesponsert
Cyber Security Analyst
addexpert GmbHArlesheim, SwitzerlandCyber Security Analyst
Goldwyn Partners Group AGBasel- Gesponsert
Data Analyst
ONE AgencyLiestal, Kanton Basel-Landschaft, CHBusiness-Analyst / in
Kanton Basel-StadtBasel-Stadt, Switzerland- Gesponsert
Cyber Security Analyst
Axians IT Services AGArlesheim, CH- Gesponsert
SAP Project Manager / Business Analyst
Coopers Group AGArlesheim, CHLab Analyst (m / f / d) 100%
Gi Group SABasel, Basel-Stadt, Schweiz- Gesponsert
SAP Master Data Analyst
Randstadkaiseraugst, AargauTechnical Business Analyst
SICPAUnlimitrust Campus (CH13), SwitzerlandData Analyst (100%)
Bank CICBasel, CH- Gesponsert
Senior Performance Controller (w / m / d) Teilzeit / Vollzeit
Helvetia VersicherungenBasel, CHJunior Data Analyst
MDPIBasel • Zvezdara- Vollzeit
To strengthen our IT team, we are looking for a Junior Data Analyst to join our team in Serbia. You will play a crucial role in our data analytics team and have the opportunity to work with diverse set of data sources, perform data analysis, improve data quality and contribute to data-driven decision making processes in an international environment. The position of Junior Data Analyst is a full-time and permanent position.
Tasks & Responsibilities
- Analyze, detect and report irregular data in order to improve data quality
- Perform exploratory data analysis to identify trends and insights
- Create data visualizations and report to communicate findings. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand business needs
- Support senior data analysts in project execution and analysis. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and emerging data technologies
What we offer
About MDPI
A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.
We operate currently over 400 diverse, peer-reviewed, open-access journals supported by over 66,000 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is openly and broadly available.
Besides our main publishing business, we develop and maintain digital platforms and software ranging from scientific exchange platforms to article databases and search engines, all focused on empowering scholars and giving them the best possible product and service. As of the end of 2022, we count more than 6700 colleagues in 17 offices across 11 countries.
MDPI Serbia was established in 2016 to support the rapid global expansion of MDPI. Over the course of 7 years, we opened 2 offices in Belgrade (Zvezdara and New Belgrade) and 1 additional office in Novi Sad. We now have over 650+ employees in our 3 Serbian offices, dedicated to ensuring that high-quality research is made available as quickly as possible in different fields of science.