Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Winter Call 2024 / 25
The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. Its fundamental research embraces a wide range of topics such as biochemistry, biophysics, physics of living systems, structural biology, microbiology, infection biology and immunology, cell and developmental biology, neurobiology, genetics as well as computational and systems biology.
With over 30 groups, about 150 PhD students and over 500 employees, we are a lively and dynamic international community of researchers who investigate with curiosity biological phenomena ranging from interactions of molecules to growth, development and behavior of organisms. Our research has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates.
Your profile
We are looking for ambitious and highly motivated young talents from all over the world to join the Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program and our scientific community.