Qui sommes-nous?
Enseignement, recherche, emplois, événements : l’Université de Fribourg est un espace d’innovations et un moteur important pour la vie économique et culturelle de la région. Elle attire des étudiant-e-s et des chercheur-euse-s en provenance de toute la Suisse et du monde entier, elle marque le quotidien de la cité bilingue de Fribourg, depuis sa fondation en 1889.
The University of Fribourg is keen to promote a fair representation of women in teaching and research and encourages applications from women. The position is also open to candidates early in their careers. The University of Fribourg is a signatory of the DORA declaration and attaches great importance to the qualitative evaluation of academic performance.
The position will be filled using the tenure-track procedure (initial limitation to four years, subsequent tenure if the tenure-track criteria are met) and includes a funded doctoral student position (50%)
Candidates should send their complete application package (motivation letter describing their qualifications for the position, CV, list of publications, teaching experiences, administrative responsibilities, research grants obtained, proposal of future research, three professional references, and a choice of three representative scientific publications) until 30 June 2024 electronically in a single pdf-file to the Chair of the committee. Additional information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Silke Bambauer-Sachse
Vos missions
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